You've probably seen those pretty red busses on TV.
When I got on, I decided to go up to the top floor.
A few people were already sitting there, another
few came up with me. There were only about 10
people sitting there.
As one does when there aren't other people obstacling
seats, I distributed myself over a couple of seats.
As soon as I sat down a skinny shortish guy, with gelled, spiky
dark hair, sitting on the other side of
the aisle picks up his cell phone and starts yapping.
He was gay, which obviously doesn't matter, it was just
immediately obvious that he was the skinny, bitchy sort
no one really likes, but everyone is scared of.
I am nosy, and if I am honest, I wouldn't mind
having ear extensions so that I could pull out my ears at
will and place them just in front of somebodys mouth.
A 4-5 meters extension would be just fine.
In short, I wouldn't have minded listening to a funny bitchy
conversation to brighten up my journey. But what a dissapointment,
it turns out he is just the half-baked variant of a bitchy man,
his mode of behaviour is just being perpetually
petulant. Yet still, credit to anyone who can report his whereabouts
whilst pouting.
As soon as he hung up, he dialled another number and
started a brand new equally boring yet very loud conversation.
Within a minute 6 out of 10 people had their phones out and
were letting things hang out on their phones. My ears started
spinning at that point.
I was really taken aback by this sudden volume increase.
I am not used to that, as I rarely travel on public transport.
I had heard and read about it though.
I turned around looking every phone conversationalist in the
eye and doing my disbelieving, mocking über-citizen
bit, which didn't work one bit by the way.
Next thing, my phone rings and I am suddenly the one
saying: "I'm on the bus ...."
I am getting to my point, slowly but surely.
The solution to unwanted public noise increase due to
phone use is a mobile phone jammer, I thought.
Wouldn't you love it?
What I am really interested in, are small handheld
phone jammers. Let me know if you have any on
offer, I know already around 20 people who are
ready to pay for such a tool. I am happy to resell
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