I just stumbled accross a little movie showcasing some new
software for your mobile phone...
I promise that this info could save you hundreds perhaps even
thousands of dollars, pounds, marks and yen, and earn you the
same amount or even more.
There's this new kid on the block who makes the bigger and badder
kids cry upon sight
I've just played around with an awesome piece of useful technology.
The strap line of that company is
'MAKE BLITZ NOT WAR'. Whoaa, I was naturally a tad
curious and peeked over my screen to see it, and now I've got it
FIRMLY implanted on my phone.
Listen carefully,
- If you're just a little like me then you do like travelling.
-- If you're a little more like me then you've got friends and family
living in other countries.
---If you're even more like me then you're foaming at the mouth whenenver
you get your phone bill. Haha
There are a number of VERY COOL features on that program.
You'll need 3 minutes, no that's a lie, 2 minutes at the most and
Internet access from your phone for starters.
___Download and install it, you will never want to use another piece of
software for your mobile phone communication_____
<> The first thing the program does is, it gets you to send SMS worldwide
(to 130 countries out of 192 countries) at bargain prices straight from your mobile
That's very useful to me as I can keep the credits for 3 years on my phone,
and hey let's be honest, if you won't travel abroad within the next three years
you absolutely definitely need a life style change.
<><> Secondly I can update my blog with it by sending emails to this blog
That wouldn't be in any way sensational if it wasn't for the price. £1 per month,
that's less then a bottle of Innocent (my new morining wake-up drink before coffee)
Not one of the big guys is currently offering email at £1 per month.
What an opportunity. WOW !!
Included in that price is the best feature of all, no.3, picture
messaging, MMS to any email address or to other users of the same service, a bit
like Skype that is.
For the price of three packets of chewing gum. Why are they doing it? They might
just withdraw the offer when the general public sniffs out the deal, get it now.
And then, there's instant messaging, which is good I suppose. I was never too hot on
that. But looking at the zillions of people IM'ing, I guess Blitz Planet have
cleverly sewn up that market too.
I am going snowboarding next week to France and I have to keep some familial and
business contact going. So I'll certainly be using the photo messaging and SMS
feature and will therefore take Blitzplanet along on my phone.
This system works on the basis of - you scratch my back and scratch, scratch and
scratch a bit more, and I might do the same to them :)
You can make serious money with this service from Blitz Planet.
Here's how it works...
...whenever my girlfriend, who is beautiful and Australian, tops up her Blitzplanet
account I'll get a cut of the total. This girl is an untiring sms'ler. If her
girlfriends (all from Australia) top up their accounts, she is earning with
every single follow-up payments her girlfriends are making.
Go to the site http://www.blitzplanet.com, get Blitz Planet now, but do me a big
favour and click on the Blitz banner here on my website. I need to pay for my
I really really love you.
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